Comprehensive Building Inspections
A home inspection is a visual process where items typically used within a home are tested and/or operated. Doors and windows are opened and closed; roofing materials inspected, air-conditioning and heating systems operated weather permitting. We will fill the sinks and tub(s), run the shower(s), and flush the toilets. All the while making notes on the condition and operation of the components tested. We will provide a computer generated report complete with colour digital images on the following systems:
- Exterior
- Site Drainage
- Porches/Decks/Balcony
- Insulation & Ventilation
- Heating/Cooling
- And much more!
- Roof/Chimney
- Foundation
- Interior
- Electrical
- Basement/Crawl Space
- Gutters/Downspouts
- Structure
- Attic
- Plumbing
- Health & Safety
Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you attend the inspection to gain first hand insights on the condition of the home. It will be an informative 2 or 3 hour experience. By the time the inspection is done, you will most likely know the home better than the previous owner.
Thermal Imaging
Poor or inadequate insulation, moisture, building envelope leaks, and substandard work are costly to residential and commercial building owners. An infrared camera can help you quickly see where energy efficiency can be improved.
Infrared cameras make it easy to improve energy efficiency and locate repairs with minimal disruption. IR cameras show you what is wet and what is dry. IR cameras can help find the sources of trouble with minimal impact to people and buildings. Infrared cameras are preferred by building experts for fast, reliable, accurate building diagnosis in the entire range of building problems.
Pre-Listing Inspections
Sell your home fast and at the best price by having it inspected before you put it on the market. Many sales are cancelled due to the buyer’s shock at the “functional condition” of the home. It may look great, but have serious technical, safety, or functional issues present without the owner’s knowledge. Having the home inspected prior to placing it on the market is the ideal way to identify and repair or disclose the issue found by your inspector. Obviously, repairing the items would be the most beneficial towards completing the sale. However, there may be financial reasons where the owner cannot make the repairs. Disclosing them up front and pricing the home based upon that disclosure will often produce a higher net sales price for the owner.
Multi-Unit Housing Inspections (up to three stories)
On The Level Inspection will identify and report on defects found on your housing property prior to purchase, as well as periodically during ownership.
Pre-purchase inspections are performed to identify any defects prior to taking ownership. This could help in the purchasers ability to negotiate repairs or price adjustments which reflect the condition of the property. Periodic inspections of properties currently in your portfolio would ensure the identification of needed repairs. For example, long-term tenants sometimes neglect to mention repairs and/or abuse to the property during their tenancy. Identifying those problems early is the key to profitable ownership.
Pre-Warranty Expiration Inspections
Warranty inspections are performed during the 11th month 1-year Builder Warranty. Get those defects corrected by your home builder before your warranty expires.
We will provide you with a complete report & digital images listing observed defects which need corrective action.
Partial Inspection
Have concerns about a specific area or system of your home? Let us make recommendations.